Ever the opportunist I approached one of the demolition men and asked if I could have a piece of carpet, to which he replied I could take my pick of the bits.
Later that same day I nipped out in the car to heave the enormous roll, which had been left outside work for me, into the car and took it home.

Here’s a during and after of the fitting, note the exhausted look! It always amazes me the amount of quality materials that end up being skipped without a thought of an alternative use for them. I never miss an opportunity to pick something out of the ‘rubbish’, much to the consternation of Julia, who usually sees the benefit in the end.
The wood project is going well too. The pole lathe is ready to be assembled and I’ve managed to obtain a few decent lengths of ash and oak logs ready for turning. The only impediment is limited space in which to work.

Until next time...
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